Girls just want to have fun, so be sure to stay with us in our 180 sq. ft Accessible Queen guestroom. Watch your favorite show on a flat-screen TV with cable channels or post your botanical garden photos online with our high-speed WiFi. A microwave and refrigerator are also provided for your convenience. A private bathroom is attached and stocked with complimentary toiletries, fluffy towels, and a hairdryer. This guestroom has several accessibility features, including 100% wheelchair access, closed-captioning television, and bathroom handrails. Smoking is not permitted in this guestroom.
Don’t forget to try North Carolina’s famous chicken and waffles when you stay in our 180 sq. ft Double Bed guestroom. For your convenience, a microwave and refrigerator are provided. Enjoy the entertainment of a flat-screen TV or finish up some last-minute work with our high-speed WiFi. A private bathroom is stocked with complimentary toiletries, fluffy towels, and a hairdryer. Smoking is not permitted in this guestroom.
Life needs more sweet tea and sunshine, which is why you should stay in our 180 sq. ft Queen guestroom. Enjoy the convenience of a microwave and refrigerator in your room. In a private bathroom, you’ll discover complimentary toiletries, fresh towels, and a hairdryer. After an adventurous day, entertain yourself with a flat-screen TV with cable channels and high-speed WiFi. Smoking is not permitted in this guestroom.
Live like royalty when you stay in our 180 sq. ft King guestroom, equipped with one oh-so-comfy king-sized bed. Enjoy the convenience of a microwave and refrigerator in your guestroom. In a private bathroom, you’ll discover complimentary toiletries, fresh towels, and a hairdryer. In addition, you will have the entertainment options of a flat-screen TV with cable channels and high-speed WiFi. Smoking is not permitted in this guestroom.
Discover the charm of the South when you stay in our 180 sq. ft Two Queens guest room. Gather around to watch the game on a flat-screen TV with cable channels or search attractions with our high-speed WiFi. A microwave and refrigerator are provided for you to prepare and store food and drink items. After a successful day exploring museums, wash up in a private bathroom. We provide complimentary toiletries, fluffy towels, and a hairdryer. Smoking is not permitted in this guestroom.
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